Category: Hanga | Create

ANZAC Biscuits

ANZAC Biscuits


Last Thursday Mrs Agnew gave us ANZAC biscuits. ANZAC biscuits were baked by Australian and New Zealand women for the Australian and New Zealand soldiers in the first world war in 1915. The ANZAC biscuits could last for six months and that was good because it’s a long way from New Zealand to where the war was. The ingredients are butter, golden syrup, flour, baking powder  and coconut. It looked like the moon and was shaped like a hula hoop. When I first smelt it, it smelt like coconut, oats and sugar. It felt spiky, hard and lumpy like a rock and when I first tasted it, it was sweet like syrup, coconut sugar and oats.

St Patrick’s 175 year Jubilee


On Friday in the morning  I woke up. I was so excited for the day. The first thing we did was find a seat in Mass. After that we sang for a long time and then when we left  we went for morning tea. 

After morning tea was done we went for tabloid sports,  but first we got split into teams. All our group’s names were based on Irish names or Irish food names. When  we got placed in our groups we went to play games. All groups split up to go to our first game.

My group and I  were with Mrs George and her game was to throw the gumboot the furthest away and win. Our group won the gumboot throw. Then Mrs Bullot rang the bell switch games.

We did it again and again. When we were done  playing our games Mrs Foden told the group leaders to go get the ice blocks. We all ate them. Then the day was over celebrating St Patrick was over.

This is me on Sunday during Mass when I had to carry the candle in my Tongan clothes. I felt very special. This was a great weekend to celebrate our Jubilee.


Learning to use shapes to make a person

Today Mrs Grant came to room 6 to teach us how to make a person out of shape on our chrome books. But before we got started we learned a few chrome book shortcuts. After that we learned about making shapes and making perfect shapes then we colored the shape. She also told us that we can move shapes with keys. After we were working Mrs Grant said she had to go to a meeting and when she left we started our blogs. It was so fun learning about shapes. I hope we can do it again.

Learning shortcuts

Today Mrs Grant came to teach us shortcuts. We learned how to use a touch pad and my favorite learning task was to use the poly line to connect the dots to make a star. My other favorite learning task was to solve a puzzle. It was so fun because it was a cake puzzle. I hope I can solve another puzzle next week. It was a good day today. I hope I can do it again.

Kia ora my name is Patrick

Kia ora! My name is Patrick, I go to Saint Patrick’s School. I am in Year 5 and my teacher is Mrs Agnew. My favourite subject is reading and I enjoy learning about space.  I am good at   cooking.  My goal for this year is to learn more maths. In my spare time I like to look after my younger sister.

Preparing for Athletics day

After morning tea we went on the field and we met Coach Bart. He taught us how to sprint in a square and we were running on our heels and toes and up high and down low. Then he taught us to run with the opposite leg and with the left arm and bend our knees when we are running.

After that we played a game called sheepdog and it was a game when two people had to tag us with pool noodles but only on the hip not on the head or the shoulder. When we get tagged we had to run around the cones and then come back in the game. We were having fun and getting tired of running away from the taggers who were Sione and Mari .

Then we practiced running fast to touch the wall then and then coming  back. We also practiced saying ready set go and  then  we were racing. It was a lot of work. After that Coach Bart changed it and we had to run after the runner. I got him  and then we ran back.

Coach Bart gave us different animals and he told us to lie down and place the animal at the top of our heads to test our height. We had to jump over it. Then he told us to bend our legs and swing our arms. On my first try I made it but some people did not make it. On my second try I made it again and then we had to give back our animals. That was the end of the game. We all said bye and we all can’t wait for next week.