Day: October 12, 2023

My Cycling Experience/Cycling safety

Yesterday morning two instructors came to our school. Their names were Kate and Kyla and they are working for Auckland Transport. They came to teach us how to ride bikes safely. The first thing we did was they took us outside to grab a helmet and wear it firmly on our heads. We had to stand from the shortest to tallest and they called the shortest people to go get their bikes. We did an air test, brake test, control and chain test, drop test, quick and release test.

After that Kyla said all the kids who have not ridden a bike or haven’t ridden a bike in a long time or were not confident need to go with Kate and when they’re confident they can come back to us.

After that Kyla told us to write in a square around the court for like 2 minutes. Then when we were riding Kyla added cones so we could weave through them and some cones that we can drive through. Then we started to play games.

Afterwards we started to play a game. We had to ride in a square but the square would shrink. I lost because I was outside the square. Then we played a game that the slowest people ride so they could win.

It was so fun that we had free bike skill lessons at school. I hope we can do it again soon and thanks to Auckland Transport for sending Kate and Kyla so we can have bike skills and learn how to ride safely.